Trump Orders Plan for Mental Health Care for US Veterans

President Donald Trump on Tuesday ordered the secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs to come up with a plan to improve mental health care for U.S. veterans.

“They get out of the military and they had nobody to talk to, nobody to speak to. And it’s been a very sad situation,” Trump said moments before signing his executive order.

Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shuklin said 20 U.S. veterans a day commit suicide.

Under the president’s order, the three departments will come up with a plan to provide U.S. servicemen and women with 12 months of mental health benefits after they leave active duty.

This includes suicide prevention services and a 24-hour veterans’ hotline.

“We will not rest until all of America’s great veterans receive the care they’ve earned through their incredible service and sacrifice to our country,” Trump said.

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