Day: August 14, 2024

Google says Iranian group trying to hack US presidential campaigns

NEW YORK — Google said Wednesday that an Iranian group linked to the country’s Revolutionary Guard had tried to infiltrate the personal email accounts of roughly a dozen people linked to President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump since May. 

The tech company’s threat intelligence arm said the group was still actively targeting people associated with Biden, Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, who replaced Biden as the Democratic candidate last month when he dropped out of the presidential race. It said those targeted have included current and former government officials, as well as presidential campaign affiliates. 

The new report from Google’s Threat Analysis Group affirmed and expanded upon a Microsoft report released Friday that revealed a suspected Iranian cyber intrusion in this year’s U.S. presidential election. It shed light on how foreign adversaries are increasing their efforts to disrupt the election that is now less than three months away. 

Google’s report said its threat researchers detected and disrupted a “small but steady cadence” of the Iranian attackers using email credential phishing, a type of cyberattack where the attacker poses as a trusted sender to try to get an email recipient to share login details. John Hultquist, chief analyst for the company’s threat intelligence arm, said the company sends suspected targets of these attacks a Gmail pop-up that warns them that a government-backed attacker might be trying to steal their passwords. 

The report said Google observed the group gaining access to one high-profile political consultant’s personal Gmail account. Google reported the incident to the FBI in July. Microsoft’s Friday report had shared similar information, noting that the email account of a former senior adviser to a presidential campaign had been compromised and weaponized to send a phishing email to a high-ranking campaign official. 

The group is familiar to Google’s threat intelligence arm and other researchers, and this isn’t the first time it has tried to interfere in U.S. elections, Hultquist said. The report noted that the same Iranian group targeted both the Biden and Trump campaigns with phishing attacks during the 2020 cycle, as early as June of that year. 

The group also has been prolific in other cyber espionage activity, particularly in the Middle East, the report said. In recent months, as the Israel-Hamas war has fueled tension in the region, that activity has included email phishing campaigns targeted at Israeli diplomats, academics, nongovernmental organizations and military affiliates. 

Trump’s campaign said Saturday that it had been hacked and that sensitive internal documents had been stolen and distributed. It said Iranian actors were to blame. 

The same day, Politico revealed it had received leaked internal Trump campaign documents by email, though it wasn’t clear whether the leaked documents were related to the suspected Iranian cyber activity. The Washington Post and The New York Times also received the documents. 

While the Trump campaign hasn’t provided specific evidence linking Iran to the hack, both Trump and his longtime friend and former adviser Roger Stone have said they were contacted by Microsoft related to suspected cyber intrusions. Stone’s email was compromised by hackers targeting Trump’s campaign, a person familiar with the matter said. 

Google and Microsoft wouldn’t identify the people targeted in the Iranian intrusion attempts or confirm that Stone was among them. Google did confirm that the Iranian group in its report, which it calls APT42, is the same as the one in Microsoft’s research. Microsoft refers to the group as Mint Sandstorm. 

Harris’ campaign has declined to say whether it has identified any state-based intrusion attempts but has said it vigilantly monitors cyber threats and isn’t aware of any security breaches of its systems. 

The FBI on Monday confirmed that it’s investigating the intrusion of the Trump campaign. Two people familiar with the matter said the FBI also is investigating attempts to gain access to the Biden-Harris campaign. 

The reports of Iranian hacking come as U.S. intelligence officials have warned of persistent and mounting efforts from both Russia and Iran to influence the U.S. election through their online activity. Beyond these hacking incidents, groups linked to the countries have used fake news websites and social media accounts to churn out content that appears intended to sway voters’ opinions. 

While neither Microsoft nor Google specified Iran’s intentions in the U.S. presidential race, U.S. officials have previously hinted that Iran particularly opposes Trump. U.S. officials also have expressed alarm about Tehran’s efforts to seek retaliation for a 2020 strike on an Iranian general that was ordered by Trump. 

Iran’s mission to the United Nations, when asked about the claim of the Trump campaign, denied being involved. 

“We do not accord any credence to such reports,” the mission told The Associated Press. “The Iranian government neither possesses nor harbors any intent or motive to interfere in the United States presidential election.” 

The mission did not immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday about Google’s report.


WHO declares mpox a global public health emergency


Stonehenge’s ‘altar stone’ came from Scotland, not Wales, new research shows

WASHINGTON — The ancient ritual meaning of Stonehenge is still a mystery, but researchers are one step closer to understanding how the famous stone circle was created.

The unique stone lying flat at the center of the monument was brought to the site in southern England from near the tip of northeast Scotland, researchers reported Wednesday in the journal Nature. It’s not clear whether the 5-meter (16-foot) stone was carried by boat or over land — a journey of more than 740 kilometers (460 miles).

“It’s a surprise that it’s come from so far away,” said University of Exeter archaeologist Susan Greaney, who was not involved in the study.

For more than a hundred years, scientists believed that Stonehenge’s central sandstone slab — long called the “altar stone” — came from much-closer Wales. But a study last year by some of the same researchers showed that the stone didn’t match the geology of Wales’ sandstone formations. The actual source of the stone remained unknown until now.

For the study, the team was not permitted to chip away rocks at the site, but instead analyzed minerals in bits of rock that had been collected in previous digs, some dating back to the 1840s. They found a match in the sandstone formations of Orcadian Basin in northeast Scotland, a region that includes parts of the tip of the Scottish peninsula as well as the Orkney Islands.

“That geological ‘fingerprint’ isn’t repeated in any other area of sediment in the U.K.,” said Aberystwyth University geologist Nick Pearce, a study co-author.

Greaney said the difficult logistics of moving the stone such a long distance show a high level of coordination and cultural connection between these two regions of ancient Britain.

Stonehenge was constructed around 5,000 years ago, with stones forming different circles brought to the site at different times. The placement of stones allows for the sun to rise through a stone “window” during summer solstice. The ancient purpose of the altar stone — which lies flat at the heart of Stonehenge, now beneath other rocks — remains a mystery.

“Stonehenge isn’t a settlement site, but a place of ceremony or ritual,” said Heather Sebire, senior curator at English Heritage, who was not involved in the study. She said that past archaeological excavations had not uncovered evidence of feasting or daily living at the site.

Previous research has shown cultural connections — such as similarities in pottery styles — between the area around Stonehenge and Scotland’s Orkney Islands. Other stones at Stonehenge came from western Wales.

While Britain is dotted with other Neolithic stone circles, “the thing that’s unique about Stonehenge is the distance from which the stones have been sourced,” said Aberystwyth University’s Richard Bevins, a study co-author.


Мобільний телефон Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

Серія: Galaxy S24

Стандарт зв’язку/інтернет:
4G (LTE)

Діагональ екрана: 6.8
Роздільна здатність дисплея: QHD+ (3120×1440)
Тип матриці: Dynamic AMOLED 2X
Частота оновлення екрана: 120 Гц
Матеріал екрана: Скло (Corning Gorilla Armor)

Кількість SIM-карток: 2
Формат SIM-картки: Nano-SIM, e-SIM

Оперативна пам’ять: 12 ГБ
Вбудована пам’ять: 512 ГБ
Максимальний обсяг підтримуваної карти пам’яті: Немає

Операційна система: Android

Фронтальна камера: 12 Мп
Особливості фронтальної камери: Автофокус, Одинарна, Підтримка знімання 4К, Ширококутний об’єктив
Розміщення фронтальної камери: Виріз
Запис відео фронтальної камери: 4K/3840×2160/стереозвук
Додатково: Апертура F2.2

Назва процесора: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 for Galaxy
Тип ядра: Cortex-X4 (64bit) + Cortex-A720 (64bit) + Cortex-A720 (64bit) + Cortex-A520 (64bit)
Відеоядро: Qualcomm Adreno 750
Кількість ядер: 1+3+2+2
Серія Qualcomm Snapdragon: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Series
Частота процесора: 3.39 ГГц + 3.1 ГГц + 2.9 ГГц + 2.2 ГГц

Основна камера: 200 Мп + 50 Мп + 12 Мп + 10 Мп
Особливості основної камери: Автофокус, Підтримка знімання 4К, Спалах, Стабілізація, Телеоб’єктив, Ультраширококутний об’єктив, Ширококутний об’єктив
Кількість основних камер: 4
Запис відео основної камери: 8 K / 7680×4320 / стереозвук
Додатково: Широкутний модуль: 200 Мп, f/1.7, 24mm, 1/1.3″, 0.6µm, multi-directional PDAF, Laser AF, OIS, Ультраширококутний модуль: 12 Мп, f/2.2, 13mm, 120˚, 1/2.55″, 1.4µm, dual pixel PDAF, Super Steady video, Телеоб’єктив: 10 Мп, f/2.4, 67mm, 1/3.52″, 1.12µm, PDAF, OIS, 3x optical zoom, Періскопічний телеоб’єктив: 50 Мп, f/3.4, 111mm, 1/2.52″, 0.7µm, PDAF, OIS, 5x optical zoom, 3х та 5х оптичний зум, 2х та 10х зум оптичної якості (активований Adaptive Pixel сенсором), Цифровий зум до 100х, Уповільнена зйомка: 240 кадр./с з роздільною здатністю FHD, 120 кадр./с з роздільною здатністю UHD
Метод стабілізації: Оптична

Ємність акумулятора: 5000 мА·год

Матеріал корпуса: Титан + скло

Роз’єми: USB Type-C

Навігація: A-GPS, BDS, GPS, ГЛОНАСС, Цифровий компас

Вага, г: 233
Ширина: 79 мм
Висота: 162.3 мм
Глибина: 8.6 мм

Бездротові технології: Wi-Fi 7 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax/be 2.4 ГГц + 5 ГГц + 6 ГГц, EHT320, MIMO, 4096-QAM, Bluetooth 5.3, NFC

Безпека: Розблокування за обличчям, Сканер відбитків пальців на екрані

Ступінь пило/вологозахисту: IP68

Датчики: Акселерометр, Барометр, Геомагнітний датчик, Гіроскоп, Датчик Холла, Датчик наближення, Датчик освітлення

Комплект постачання: Гарантійний талон, Документація, Кабель для синхронізації, Скріпка для виймання СІМ-карти, Стилус, Телефон

Бездротові технології: Bluetooth 5.3, NFC, Wi-Fi, Бездротова зарядка

Оснащення: MP3-плеєр, Будильник, Відеоплеєр, Заряджання сторонніх пристроїв, Календар, Калькулятор, Підтримка OTG, Підтримка e-SIM, Стереодинаміки, Швидке заряджання

Форм-фактор: Моноблок

Особливості корпусу: Безрамковий дисплей, Водонепроникні

Колір: Black

Країна реєстрації бренду: Республіка Корея (Південна Корея)

Гарантія: 12 місяців офіційної гарантії від виробника

Країна-виробник товару: В’єтнам

Ціна: 56’999грн

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