Day: May 30, 2024

Bird flu infects 3rd US dairy worker; Michigan set to expand testing


UN conference looks at possibilities, dangers of AI


All-gay choir in South Africa combines music, activism

The artists from South Africa’s Mzansi Gay Choir are known not just for their music, but also for their role in LGBTQI advocacy. Ihsaan Haffejee brings us this story from a rehearsal studio in Johannesburg, where the musicians gather for a practice session.


Health advocates seek reforms to combat Indonesian men’s high smoking rates


Health advocates push for reforms to combat Indonesia’s high male smoking rates

May 31 is World No Tobacco Day, a day when many health advocacy groups raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco. These groups have reason to celebrate: In most countries, tobacco use is declining. But not in Indonesia, where smoking rates are rising, according to the World Health Organization. Dave Grunebaum has the story.
