Day: June 16, 2020

Жителі Слов’янська привітали з днем народження сина загиблого захисника ДАП

Жителі Слов’янська привітали з днем народження сина загиблого захисника ДАП.

15 червня Кирилу Ременюку, сину загиблого добровольця Андрія Ременюка, виповнилося сім років. Напередодні небайдужі жителі міста оголосили збір коштів на подарунок. І у свято подарували Кирилові бажаний велосипед. Як пояснив ініціатор акції, родини загиблих мають відчувати, що їх поважають, що вони – не самі. Як розповіла Тетяна Ременюк, вдова Андрія, він добровільно пішов воювати. Прикривав і воював у аеропорті Донецька. Батьки не знали, що син на війні, до того моменту, поки не отримали звістку про його загибель. Загинув Андрій Ременюк, боєць 90-го окремого аеромобільного батальйону, 8 грудня 2014 року у селищі Піски

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Пане зелений карликовий президент, зупиніться! Заберіть своїх псів!

Пане зелений карликовий президент, зупиніться! Заберіть своїх псів!

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Гиблое место пукинского мордора

Гиблое место пукинского мордора

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Турция играет мускулами в Средиземном море и отрабатывает удары по наемникам обиженного карлика пукина

Турция играет мускулами в Средиземном море и отрабатывает удары по наемникам обиженного карлика пукина.

Обиженній карлик пукин строил масштабные планы по захвату Ливии и обустройстве собственных баз на территории африканского государства, а Реджеп Эрдоган не только вышвырнул оттуда его отпускников, но и получил их под нужды своей армии

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Тяжелые версии украинских БМП показали стране в деталях: БМП-К-64; БМП-55; БМПТ-64!

Тяжелые версии украинских БМП показали стране в деталях: БМП-К-64; БМП-55; БМПТ-64!

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NFL Commissioner Goodell Encourages Team to Sign Kaepernick

Roger Goodell would like to see Colin Kaepernick back in the NFL this season.  The NFL commissioner said during ESPN’s “The Return of Sports” special on Monday that he is encouraging teams to sign the 32-year old quarterback, who hasn’t played the past three seasons. Kaepernick was with the San Francisco 49ers in 2016 when he kneeled during the national anthem to protest racial injustice.
“If he wants to resume his career in the NFL, then obviously it’s gonna take a team to make that decision. I welcome that, support a club making that decision and encourage them to do that,” Goodell said during his interview with ESPN’s Mike Greenberg.
Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll said last week that he received a call from another team about Kaepernick. Carroll and the Seahawks brought in Kaepernick for a workout in 2017 and had another planned in 2018 before it was canceled.
Goodell set up a tryout for Kaepernick in Atlanta last year for scouts of all 32 teams to attend, but it unraveled at the last moment due to lack of media access and what Kaepernick’s representatives saw as an unusual liability waiver. Instead of the workout taking place at the Falcons’ training complex, Kaepernick conducted an impromptu session at a high school in front of media and scouts from eight teams.  The NFL released a video on June 5 in which Goodell apologized for the league for not doing a good job of listening to concerns by players on racial inequality. Goodell though was roundly criticized for the apology not mentioning Kaepernick.The video came out a day after many players released a video criticizing the league for not condemning racism following the May 25 death of George Floyd.  “We had spent time prior to that understanding all the frustration, fear and sadness. When the video came out on Thursday it was very powerful. It was appropriate for me to respond,” Goodell said. “We should have listened to our players earlier including Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid, Kenny Stills, Malcolm Jenkins and so many people really brought these issues to light.”Atanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan said Goodell’s video was a great step in the right direction.
“We all need to be on the same page and address some of the uncomfortable things that need addressed,” he said.Goodell did not answer how the league would respond if President Donald Trump continued to criticize them if players kneeled for the National Anthem. Goodell also said that he wants to include Kaepernick’s voice on how the league should approach social issues.”I hope we’re at a point now where everybody’s committed to making long-term, sustainable change,” Goodell said. “If his efforts are not on the field but continuing to work in this space, we welcome him to that table and to help us, guide us, help us make better decisions about the kinds of things that need to be done in the communities.”NBA commissioner Adam Silver said when the league gathers at the Disney campus it would provide an opportunity for the league to do more to promote social and societal change — especially since players, who will be confined to the campus, will have plenty of free time on their hands and with what’s expected to be a sizable media contingent present.”How can we use our larger platform, the NBA together with our players, really to affect change?” Silver asked. “There’s an appropriate role, of course, for protests. There’s an appropriate role for those who choose not to engage in the game of basketball down in Florida. But … for those who decide to come, together with the league, what are those things we can be doing?”Another interesting point in what Silver said was the acknowledgement that some players may choose not to go to the ESPN Wide World of Sports complex for the restart of the season. A group of players, led by Kyrie Irving, has made it clear in recent days that they want their colleagues to think about the ramifications of playing at a time of racial and social unrest.Portland guard Damian Lillard has been part of a protest and said he hopes that people realize “that the black community has had enough” when it comes to injustice. But he also said he plans to play, even though he expressed some reservations about how safe it will be from a health perspective.
“This is what we do. This is our job,” Lillard said. “And this is how we take care of our families. And this is my way of providing for communities and impacting my community. So to play the game I love, to resume the season, I guess it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”Goodell, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and MLS commissioner Don Garber acknowledged there will be positive tests once their sports return, but that they are hoping to isolate those as quickly as possible along with aggressive use of contact tracing.Monday’s show began with baseball commissioner Rob Manfred casting some doubt on whether there will be games this season after a breakdown in talks with the players’ union on salaries. Manfred said last week he was 100% certain games would be played.  “I’m not confident. I think there’s real risk; and as long as there’s no dialogue, that real risk is going to continue,” Manfred said. “The owners are 100% committed to getting baseball back on the field. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you that I’m 100% certain that’s going to happen.”


More Than 30 Extraterrestrial Civilizations in Milky Way, Study Suggests

A study by researchers at Britain’s University of Nottingham published this week suggests there could be more than 30 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy.The study, published Monday in the Astrophysical Journal, uses a calculation based on how long it took advanced life to develop on Earth – about five billion years ago – and applied it to the known galaxy.  Lead researcher on the study, University of Nottingham Astrophysics Professor Christopher Conselice, says they came by their number assuming it would take just as long for life to develop on other planets. “The idea is looking at evolution, but on a cosmic scale. We call this calculation the Astrobiological Copernican Limit.”First author on the study and Assistant Engineering Professor Tom Westby says previous methods for estimating the number of intelligent civilizations relied on the guessing of values relating to life, opinions about which “vary quite substantially. Our new study simplifies these assumptions using new data, giving us a solid estimate of the number of civilizations in our galaxy.”  Westby says based on the assumption that advanced life – a technologically capable civilization that sends out communications – takes up to five billion years to form, and to make of the planets and stars in the galaxy, they calculated there are about 36 advanced civilizations in the Milky Way.They caution, however that communication with these civilizations could be difficult, as the average distance to them would be about 17,000 light-years. They also say whether or not we are currently alone in the galaxy depends on how long the civilizations survive.


Apple отрусофобила обиженного карлика пукина и ко. Яблоко дороже, чем вся экономика путляндии!

Apple отрусофобила обиженного карлика пукина и ко. Яблоко дороже, чем вся экономика путляндии!

Капитализация Apple поставила очередной рекорд и достигла отметки в 1529 миллиардов долларов

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ВМС України: історія про зраду, вірність та відродження

ВМС України: історія про зраду, вірність та відродження.

В 2014 році путляндія захопила Крим. Військово-морські сили України втратили майже всі свої кораблі, більшість моряків звільнились або перейшли на бік агресора. Сьогодні за допомогою союзників Україна поступово відновлює свої морські можливості. Це історія про тих, хто залишився вірним присязі. Про тих, хто пішов з півострова, і кому довелось обирати між родиною і країною. Сьогодні вони водночас розбудовують своє життя і відновлюють український флот, але попереду бурхливі води – путляндія також нарощує м’язи на Чорному і Азовському морях

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Украинский прецедент: турецкие компании отказываются платить газпрому пукина

Украинский прецедент: турецкие компании отказываются платить газпрому пукина.

Туркам в принципе нет смысла оплачивать недополученный газпромовский газ, при этом смело можно стоять на своем, поскольку Турция как и все разумные страны слазит с газовой иглы. Только за 2019 год поставки «Газпрома» в Турцию рухнули на 35% в годовом исчислении или до 15,51 миллиарда кубометров

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Лукашенко боится «Майдана» на деньги обиженного карлика пукина

Лукашенко боится «Майдана» на деньги обиженного карлика пукина.

Лукашенко запугивает белорусов путляндией и бунтом за деньги российских олигархов. В Беларуси накаляются страсти накануне выборов президента? Лукашенко не спешит продлевать договор о размещении российских военных объектов на территории Беларуси. Договорятся ли Лукашенко и обиженный карлик пукин?

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США выделили $106 млрд на разработку оружия и указали обиженному карлику пукину на место в стойле

США выделили $106 млрд на разработку оружия и указали обиженному карлику пукину на место в стойле

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Cheap Steroid Can Help Seriously Ill COVID-19 Patients, Study Shows

A cheap and widely available steroid drug has shown it can save the lives of the most seriously ill COVID-19 patients, British researchers said Tuesday. Scientists called the use of dexamethasone, normally used to reduce inflammation in patients with arthritis and other diseases, a “major breakthrough” in the treatment of patients infected by the coronavirus who have been hospitalized and needed the use of a ventilator or supplemental oxygen. Researchers at the University of Oxford said that a study of more than 6,400 patients — a third of whom were administered the drug and two-thirds of whom were not — showed that use of the drug was particularly beneficial for the most seriously ill patients but did not appear to help less ill patients. A pharmacist holds a box of dexamethasone tablets at a chemists shop in London, June 16, 2020.They said the drug, either administered orally or through an IV, reduced deaths by 35% in patients who needed treatment with a ventilator and by 20% in those who only needed supplemental oxygen. “This is an extremely welcome result,” researcher Peter Horby said in a statement. “The survival benefit is clear and large in those patients who are sick enough to require oxygen treatment, so dexamethasone should now become standard of care in these patients. Dexamethasone is inexpensive, on the shelf, and can be used immediately to save lives worldwide.” Britain’s health minister said the state-run health service would immediately start using the drug for the most severe COVID-19 patients and had stockpiled 200,000 courses of the treatment. “This is a (trial) result that shows that if patients who have COVID-19 and are on ventilators or are on oxygen are given dexamethasone, it will save lives, and it will do so at a remarkably low cost,” said Martin Landray, an Oxford University professor who co-led the research. “It’s going to be very hard for any drug really to replace this, given that for less than 50 pounds ($63.26), you can treat eight patients and save a life,” he said in an online briefing. The researchers said that had the drug been used from the outset of the coronavirus pandemic in March, up to 5,000 lives in Britain could have been saved. The research on dexamethasone was part of the same study that earlier this month showed the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine was not working against the coronavirus, the same outcome other tests have shown. U.S. President Donald Trump for weeks touted the use of hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus preventive treatment and said he took the drug earlier during the pandemic. Researchers in the U.S. and elsewhere are in a frantic rush to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus, but experts say it could be next year or beyond before such a cure is found. 


Poll: Americans Are the Unhappiest They’ve Been in 50 Years

Spoiler alert: 2020 has been rough on the American psyche. Folks in the U.S. are more unhappy today than they’ve been in nearly 50 years.This bold — yet unsurprising — conclusion comes from the COVID Response Tracking Study, conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. It finds that just 14% of American adults say they’re very happy, down from 31% who said the same in 2018. That year, 23% said they’d often or sometimes felt isolated in recent weeks. Now, 50% say that.The survey, conducted in late May, draws on nearly a half-century of research from the General Social Survey, which has collected data on American attitudes and behaviors at least every other year since 1972. No less than 29% of Americans have ever called themselves very happy in that survey.Most of the new survey’s interviews were completed before the death of George Floyd touched off nationwide protests and a global conversation about race and police brutality, adding to the feelings of stress and loneliness Americans were already facing from the coronavirus outbreak — especially  for black Americans.Lexi Walker, a 47-year-old professional fiduciary who lives near Greenville, South Carolina, has felt anxious and depressed for long stretches of this year. She moved back to South Carolina late in 2019, then her cat died. Her father passed away in February. Just when she thought she’d get out and socialize in an attempt to heal from her grief, the pandemic hit.”It’s been one thing after another,” Walker said. “This is very hard. The worst thing about this for me, after so much, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”Among other finding from the new poll about life in the pandemic:— The public is less optimistic today about the standard of living improving for the next generation than it has been in the past 25 years. Only 42% of Americans believe that when their children reach their age, their standard of living will be better. A solid 57% said that in 2018. Since the question was asked in 1994, the previous low was 45% in 1994.  — Compared with surveys conducted after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 and after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Americans are less likely to report some types of emotional and psychological stress reactions following the COVID-19 outbreak. Fewer report smoking more than usual, crying or feeling dazed now than after those two previous tragedies, though more report having lost their temper or wanting to get drunk.— About twice as many Americans report being lonely today as in 2018, and not surprisingly given the lockdowns that tried to contain the spread of the coronavirus, there’s also been a drop in satisfaction with social activities and relationships. Compared with 2018, Americans also are about twice as likely to say they sometimes or often have felt a lack of companionship (45% vs. 27%) and felt left out (37% vs. 18%) in the past four weeks.What is surprising, said Louise Hawkley, a senior research scientist with NORC at the University of Chicago, was that loneliness was not even more prevalent.  “It isn’t as high as it could be,” she said. “People have figured out a way to connect with others. It’s not satisfactory, but people are managing to some extent.”The new poll found that there haven’t been significant changes in Americans’ assessment of their families’ finances since 2018 and that Americans’ satisfaction with their families’ ability to get along financially was as high as it’s been over nearly five decades.Jonathan Berney, of Austin, Texas, said that the pandemic — and his resulting layoff as a digital marketing manager for a law firm — caused him to reevaluate everything in his life. While he admits that he’s not exactly happy now, that’s led to another uncomfortable question: Was he truly happy before the pandemic?”2020 just fast forwarded a spiritual decay. When things are good, you don’t tend to look inwards,” he said, adding that he was living and working in the Miami area before the pandemic hit. As Florida dealt with the virus, his girlfriend left him and he decided to leave for Austin. “I probably just wasn’t a nice guy to be around from all the stress and anxiety. But this forced an existential crisis.”Berney, who is looking for work, said things have improved from those early, dark days of the pandemic. He’s still job hunting but has a little savings to live on. He said he’s trying to kayak more and center himself so he’s better prepared to deal with any future downturn in events.Reimagining happiness is almost hard-wired into Americans’ DNA, said Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychology professor at the University of California, Riverside.”Human beings are remarkably resilient. There’s lots and lots of evidence that we adapt to everything. We move forward,” she said, adding that she’s done happiness studies since the pandemic started and found that some people are slightly happier than last year.Melinda Hartline, of Tampa, who was laid off from her job in public relations in March, said she was in a depressed daze those first few weeks of unemployment. Then she started to bike and play tennis and enrolled in a college course on post-crisis leadership.  Today, she’s worried about the state of the world and the economy, and she wonders when she can see her kids and grandkids who live on the West Coast — but she also realizes that things could be a lot worse.”Anything can happen. And you have to be prepared,” she said. “Whether it’s your health, your finances, whether it’s the world. You have to be prepared. And always maintain that positive mental attitude. It’s going to get you through it.” 


Panel Says NOAA Administrators Violated Scientific Integrity Policy

An investigation conducted on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has found that agency leaders violated NOAA’s own scientific integrity policy in releasing a statement last year contradicting their own forecasters and supporting U.S. President Trump’s false assertion about the path of Hurricane Dorian last year.NOAA is the agency that includes the U.S. National Weather Service.From his Twitter feed Sept. 1, Trump wrote that Hurricane Dorian, a storm that at that time was approaching the U.S. southeast coast, would hit Alabama “harder than anticipated.” A few minutes later, the National Weather Service office in Birmingham, Ala., posted from its Twitter account “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane Dorian will be felt across Alabama.”Alabama was not struck by the hurricane.The next week, on September 4 during a White House news briefing from the Oval Office, the president displayed a forecast map which appeared to have been altered with a marker to show Alabama in the path of the hurricane.  On September 6, NOAA issued a statement contradicting its forecasters in Birmingham.In a report released Monday, the independent investigating panel found that acting NOAA administrator Neil Jacobs, and former NOAA deputy chief of staff/ communications director Julie Kay Roberts twice violated codes of the agency’s scientific integrity policy amid their involvement in the September 6 statement.NOAA’s scientific integrity policy prohibits political interference with the conduct and communication of the agency’s scientific findings. No punishments were recommended, but the report did call on the agency to better ensure “the right of NOAA scientists to review, comment, and amend any official communication that relies on their scientific analysis.”The investigation had been requested by two NOAA employees, a former NOAA administrator and New York U.S Congressman Paul Tonko, among others. It was conducted on NOAA’s behalf by a panel assembled by the National Academy of Public Administration. NAPA, a nonprofit, nonpartisan institution dedicated to facilitating good governance, conducts assessments for government agencies.


British Academy Film Awards Postpones Ceremony by 2 Months

Next year’s British Academy Film Awards have been postponed by two months, organizers said Tuesday. The move follows a decision by Hollywood’s film academy to shift the 2021 Oscars from February to April because of the coronavirus pandemic.The British Academy said the awards will be held on April 11, rather than the previously announced Feb. 14. The academy has also changed eligibility rules so that films whose theatrical releases were curtailed or switched to online-only releases will be eligible for consideration.Film committee chair Marc Samuelson said the new date would “give all films the best possible chance to be released and considered properly.”Movie theaters in Britain have been closed since March 20 as part of a nationwide lockdown to slow the spread of COVID-19.The date of the 2022 awards, known as BAFTAs, is being reviewed.On Monday, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the ABC Television Network announced that the 93rd Academy Awards will now be held April 25, 2021, eight weeks later than originally planned because of the pandemic’s effects on the movie industry. It’s the fourth postponement in Oscars history.The British awards are usual held a week or two before the Oscars and have become an important awards-season staging post. 


Jazz Deepens Bond Between New Orleans Father & Daughter

World renowned guitarist Steve Masakowski didn’t want to push his children into music, but both kids, including daughter Sasha, embraced jazz anyway. The children are now adults and the New Orleans family continues to bond over its shared passion — something they’ll celebrate this Father’s Day.
Camera: Claire Bangser  Producer: Dora Mekouar, Matt Haines
